MIS Members

MIS, a student-led NGO based at the University of Tokyo, is dedicated to addressing social issues in Southeast Asia and Japan. Established in 2011, MIS's goal is to tackle social issues and nurture/develop the next generation of leaders capable of solving global challenges through multilateral partnerships. To achieve this goal, we have launched projects in 12 countries, focusing on “Promoting Multilateral Student Exchange” and “Student-Led International Cooperation Projects.” In the realm of “Promoting Multilateral Student Exchange,” the Japan-ASEAN Youth Summit Organizing Committee is responsible for planning and executing international conferences. As part of its “Student-Led International Cooperation Projects,” the Project Execution Division conducts field activities in specific regions to help address local challenges.

Hiroki Kimiwada

Osuke Matsumoto
Managing Director of Operations

Hiroki Kuwata
Haruka Nishimoto
Managing Director of Environment & Development Subcomittee
Managing Director of the Healthcare Subcomittee

AYO Members
ASEAN Youth Organization (AYO) is a youth-led international non-partisan, nonprofit, and non-governmental organization established to promote international understanding and goodwill parallel to the ASEAN Motto “one vision, one identity, and one community”. Founded on August 13th, 2013, by Senjaya Mulia, Indonesia, AYO is made up of more than 500,000 Southeast Asian youths and is registered as a Foundation and social enterprise in Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines, AYO has successfully run in more than 14 countries through its chapters and implemented more than 300 projects involving youths. AYO aims to spread awareness of ASEAN to over 200 million young people in Southeast Asia through regional programs such as the AYO Ambassador Program, ASEAN Youth Economic Forum, ASEAN Youth Digital Forum, ASEAN Youth Conference, and ASEAN Youth Exchange.Our vision is to create a world where youths exhibit a heightened interest in ASEAN through our activities that Empower Youth, Engage, and Educate Communities to implement ideas that enable Positive Sustainable Change. With 13 years of experience in Community Development, AYO provides youth with knowledge, skills, and abilities to bring back to their communities as well as boost regional development by fostering partnerships with various stakeholders. AYO has established other affiliate organizations to support sustainability through AYO Social Enterprise (AKI), which are AYO Research Center, AYO Academy, AYO Post, and AYO Enviro.The success of AYO's journey in empowering youths brought them to receive prestigious regional awards, which are the ASEAN Prize 2024 and the Arab World Youth Council Award in the “Enablers” Category.

Senjaya Mulia

Ahmad Afryan
Managing Director

Vanissa Aulia
Vivian Wijayanti
Program Director
Indonesia Director